Tuesday, September 16, 2008

the verdict is out...

until 3pm.

Hurricane Ike was rather mean to Cincinnati. He pulled down trees, ripped siding off of houses, knocked down signs, burned buildings, took away phones, internet, and electricity, etc., etc., etc., and killed at least three people.

Where there is no power, there is less food, less security, and less to do. So they sent me home along with the rest of the students.

I will have to say it was fun, although dangerous, being almost knocked over with 78mph wind gusts while chasing shingles and pieces of siding. (scarier when I was looking at pictures of destruction later, though, GBS could have been much worse!)

But I am really happy to be home! Here's hoping the school's power stays off just a few more hours. I would really like to stay a few more days!

3pm.... must I return to Cincy? or stay home till Monday??


Alanna said...

Hey - sounds like it'll be a long weekend!! Enjoye!

Julia said...

Hey Esther;

It was so nice to have you home last week. Wish I could have seen you more. Let's be sure to go for coffee or something next time you're home.

Have a good week.