Tuesday, February 26, 2008

life is constantly changing...

It is amazing how quickly time flies! Wait, isn't that what old people say? I am scaring myself! AAHHH!! I seriously cannot believe that it is February 2008! As a child, I was certain that I would never see HS Graduation, because Jesus would come back before then. (I graduated 2002) Well, here I am. :)

I have been home for almost a week now. Our 'new' home. It is crazy the changes our family has had over the last couple of weeks, wait, no, over the last couple of years. Our current residence is back in town and is a smaller house that helps with the bills. Everyone is very close. Literally.

Although, I was surprised to find that there are a few hiding spots in this little house. Earlier this evening I snuck into my siblings bedroom to escape for a few moments and was tickled to hear my younger brother asking repeatedly where I was. I decided to play along and kept very still. He came and left the room several times, once to put on his coat and shoes, without ever seeing me. He was looking outside, checking the front porch, laundry baskets, etc, etc, I laughed so hard when he finally found me, tight up against the wall on the top bunk hiding beneath his stuffed animals.

Well, back to the closeness. I am incredibly thankful for a close family. The reason we are close to one another probably has a lot to do with the literal closeness we have always had living in small homes. It makes it all the harder when change comes and pulls us apart. First the military pulled Ben miles away. Now, Rhoda is changing her name, which changes some of the family connections but by adding rather than taking away. My parents are glad that the almost-new couple will be living nearby.


While home for 'break' I am relaxing AND working! It is nice to have a job anytime I am home. It helps so much! I am surprised to have typed this much.... I have a bandaid on three of my fingertips. Today I was sanding smaller seat slats and, of course, gloves TOTALLY get in the way ;) So when one of them flipped out of my hand and went flying, (this happens occasionally) my hand responded to gravity and bumped the sander. Only a tiny bit of blood, a few bandaids, and I continued working until time to leave.

Anyhow, there is a little excitement for today. Until next time.... :)


lauralavon said...

So nice to get the update. It has been so crazy for us, we don't know if we're coming or going!
Love ya!

Kimberly said...

Esther! Just stopped by to catch up. See ya soon!

Martha C said...

Sweet post! Happy planning with your sister!

Making Memories 1999 said...

I have to smile at your little "joke" you played on little brother. Can just see him going around looking for you!! And, please, take care of those fingers!! Sanders and fingers DON'T go together well!! :-)

Hope you all have fun shopping tomorrow!! See ya soon!

P.S. So glad you're home for the week. Look forward to hearing the special on Sunday!!