Friday, July 3, 2009


... is painful. exciting. sad. exhausting. interesting. and all around life-changing. Funny how that works.

I've been thinking a lot lately about how that everything I do, everything that anyone does, will always affect others too. No one is a lone non-affecting soul. There is someone who will experience side-effects along with you. Sometimes it can be a very special, happy time and sometimes it is bittersweet and very tough!

Changes take place every day and are just a part of life. Every once in awhile there is a really big change that will take place that isn't a daily expected event.

I'm on the receiving end of one of those big changes this summer.


Heather said...

Hmm.. you getting married?

coffeechica said...

lol! no no no no! I'm going from having two of the best roommates ever... to living alone! Sadness. They are moving away.

I will survive. I will survive. I will survive. lol

Heather said...

Aww.shucks! Well, i would suppose if you were getting married you would have called.:) lol.
That is a bummer when a buddy has to go. You will survive. I know how you feel from living in the dorm..