Monday, August 31, 2009


Oh grrr grrrrr grrrrrr! When will I learn. I spent 45 minutes typing a post and just accidentally lost it all! There is no way I wanna take the time to retype and try to remember what I even said. SIGH I need to type posts in Word first. Jo, I should learn from you. I'm bummed. Okay. Getting over it. I hope you all love this nice post I just typed in 3 minutes. I will let you try to think up the possible topics that were in the post I typed earlier.

I will try to get something better soon.



Jo said...

I only type in word so that I don't look like an idiot because of a myriad of misspelled words...mispelled...miespealed...miscpeeled...anyway...

coffeechica said...

lol. Well don't look at all my micpelings and miztaks cuz I didn't use Word's spell chek. :D