Wednesday, December 26, 2007

christmas thoughts

I hope everyone had as nice a Christmas as I did. It was so special to have everyone home again and enjoy spending time together and following the normal traditions we have.

I was thinking the other day as I was reading the Bible, about the star that 'shone so bright'. It is easy after 23 years of hearing the story to become somewhat callous to it, or it becomes in my mind just that, a story. But this year, God is helping me to make it come more alive in my mind. Every little detail was true and took place. And the result of the Christmas story was Jesus' death and resurrection.. our Salvation! It is overwhelming when you think about it!
Well, back to the star. I was thinking that it would be really awesome if we could still see it today. Perhaps if it shone on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day only. You know, God could do that! In some ways I think it would enhance our understanding of why we are celebrating.
But as soon as I was considering that, I also thought, God provided the promise of the rainbow and we can still see it every time it rains. How often do people look at the rainbow and think of His promise? I try to. But it has become unappreciated, overlooked and just an expected occasion. Sadly, it has even become somewhat of an icon for a sick, unbiblical act! This triggered my mind to realize, the Star of Bethlehem would mean nothing to people of the world and could easily fall down the same path of the rainbow. It would receive it's own made-up, passed-on, story and perhaps even some tag as repulsive as homosexuality not unlike the rainbow God gave to us as a promise!
Well, these are just a few ramblings that have been in my thoughts over the last week. Please share your response. Anyone else ever follow this train of thought?

*disclaimer: I am not prejudice against homosexuals. I do realize they are people with souls and try to love them as God does. But their lifestyle is not one I want to follow as I believe it is against God's plan in His written Word.


Kimberly said...

Hey there, buddy! I miss ya!

I haven't had these exact thoughts, but the Christmas story has been more alive to me than ever before. I am so thankful that the God I serve is a personal God. He even gives presents!

lauralavon said...

Here I am, far away again from where you are, but this awesome blogworld enables these wonderful opportunities to share thoughts and ideas, to inspire and be inspired. Thanks for sharing. I haven't been down that particular train of thought, but it is certainly something valuable to consider. I do believe that those who have decided to ignore God take every good thing and distort, deform, and destroy it. You are probably right on when you conclude that they would do that very thing with the star were sent as a continuing sign.
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.