Tuesday, January 20, 2009

a resolute resolution

resolute ~ firm or determined; unwavering
resolution ~ a formal expression of opinion or intention made

My one and only resolute resolution this year involves my character. I did not make a list of things to accomplish that would be forgotten about a month or less later. Instead I am trying my best to work daily on one aspect of my life. I know something that I need to change or at least improve in is my self-discipline.

Unfortunately, even having only one goal to work on doesn't make it any easier. Self-discipline is something that touches EVERY part of life! I'm working to improve discipline in the area of time management which involves sleeping habits, devotional/spiritual habits, social habits, etc. you see how it just keeps going on and on! I am also being more aware of my health and using more discipline in eating. But, no, I did not promise to lose any certain number of poundage :)

That's all I have for now.


Julia said...

So good Esther. I have found that one discipline or lack thereof leads to another. It's like compound interest. If I'm lazy in one area it leaks into others. On the other hand if I'm disciplined in one area it helps me in others.

Hope this is encouraging. Speaking of discipline....I'm going to bed...without a snack. :)