Friday, November 23, 2007


It is late and I am lazy and tired but wanted to post a little while I have the chance. I am home and enjoying it!! Today we had an awesome meal and have just relaxed and spent quality time together. There are so many things that I am thankful for and would like to list just a few.

Jesus Christ and the relationship I have with Him
All the blessings God provides
Good food
and sooo much more!!
and sleep! I am ready to hit the sack! :)

tomorrow I am gonna try to hit a few sales at Wally World :) need my shopping rest


Anonymous said...

So glad you had a good time at home. As much as I enjoy indulging myself from time to time, it's kind of good to get back into the old exercise routine, isn't it? I can feel my abs toning as I write. :)