Tuesday, January 29, 2008


This weekend I stayed at my sisters apartment and dog-sat for her boss while she worked for her other boss. It was a nice relaxing time. I dragged a friend along and we vegged out.

We went to a concert Saturday night. I went knowing ahead of time who would be singing, who I liked, and who would annoy me (greatly!). My expectations were fulfilled and enjoying only about a 1/3 of the concert I probably will not plan to go again next year. I did not leave the building feeling I had completely wasted those hours though and enjoyed the time spent with friends.


I have so many thoughts running through my head right now... I am just sitting here staring at the computer screen, not knowing where to begin. So I believe I will stop before I start. I will consider sharing at another time in another day.

One last thing... does everything in life require analyzing, balance, and best effort??

Worlds' millionaire kissed Carla King in a magic congenial galaxy.
Happiest war one summer never miss
hitchhiker Connie .


Kimberly said...

Good question! My gut says the answer is "yes."

lauralavon said...

I've always been told, "Anything worth doing is worth doing right."
And life has proven it true so far. : )
In my experience, there are always consequenses(ones I don't like )to a "job half-done." I suffer when I don't exert mental effort, when I don't think ahead, be proactive, consider the wisest path to follow...
If a task gets overwhelming, I break it into small pieces where possible...that helps me.
I can't help but think that this is part of our "carrying our cross", doing our individual duty to seek and find.
Make any sense?
Love ya!

Leanna said...

You know I think alot of things in life do recquire analyzing, balance, and best effort, but don't get so carried away that you lose all spontaneity. Don't let this idea squeeze your brain into some mold where you can't look for the cool and unusual opportunities in life:)

Julia said...

I remember asking myself the same question just 7 or so years ago.
I'm no great wisdom tooth,(as you know) however, what I have learned is yes, you should and must analyze everything. But only if you want to have great relationships, an honest heart before God, and an understanding of yourself so that you can better help others. It's really hard at first, then over time some things don't require much time to think through, because you've been "transformed by the renewing of your mind". It becomes a habit that doesn't drain the joy from life, but actually enhances it. Sure there are slip ups, a word spoken quickly, a dumb choice made. But the beauty of thinking and giving your best is you can back up and repair & realign, knowing you've learned something new and with God's help you're going to do better next time. When I learned to question myself on everything, I began to really understand myself, why I did what I did, thought what I thought, and wanted what I wanted. This has drawn me so much closer to Jesus, because I now can understand myself and try to better align my life to His. It's a process, and I have in no way "arrived". It is work, but then again so is cleaning my house or trainging my kiddos, but I do it because it is what is right and the results are worth it. Perhaps I don't understand what you mean by "analyzing, balance and best effort", but if I do than I would have to argue that developing that discipline will not drain life of any joy and far from being in any mold, you will be very much "outside" the box. Most of the people in the world live their lives without thought.

well, that was more than you bargained for huh? :) If I've misunderstood what you do mean by "analyzing, balance, and best effort" I'd love to chat with ya and figure out what you mean. When ya coming home? We'll do coffee...ok you'll do coffee I'll do chocolate with a hint of coffee. :)