Sunday, September 2, 2007

i was just surfing the blog world and was realizing how much i have missed getting updates from some friends, acquaintances, and other random people i don't even know.

i just about cried when i in vain looked at one dear soul's page and still no update after three long months. i once looked to this person for encouragement and advice and stability. poor viola really must have died! some terribly weird person must have loved her plastic flower blog so much that they went out with bow and arrow...... so that they would have a grave to purchase them for.... oh surely not!

okay happy thoughts! happy thoughts!!!


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. I've been wondering about her as well. Maybe she ran off with that weird guy she dated once. Who knows!

Jo said...

I heard from her friend Miss Swamp the other day and I too am concerned! :)

coffeechica said...

did Miss Swamp have any insight on the situation?

Anonymous said...

Dearest Essie;

Fear not, I am not dead. i have been in Nigeria for the summer sight seeing. Got lost, got malaria and am now having to stay very near the facilities, if you know what I mean. I'll post when all "clears" up.
