Thursday, May 8, 2008

my day as of 3:30pm

I'm sitting at work and it is really quiet... nothing to do right now. Then the moment I open this page to blog, the phone rings, someone pops up on the instant messenger and another person walks up to desk talking to me. Isn't life just insanely odd sometimes?! lol

Anyhow, I am going to attempt a post, and hopefully the flow and readability will not be too greatly hindered :)

I am in a very cheery mood today. I am actually wearing orange, which is a color I do not wear often at all (I am not even certain I own any orange clothes). I borrowed my roommates shirt this morning. So there is an odd piece of news for you. I am not certain if it has subconsciously lent itself to my perky outlook or if this would have been a happy day all on its own, orange or not.

I started the day with Starbucks at 6am and studied for my Math final. I headed back to school then and was prepared to go to my class at 8am. The crazy exam schedule still has not seared itself in my brain very well, even after 5 years of GBS! I soon realized that indeed my test was not until 9:35. So I got another hour and half of studying and a bagel w/ cream cheese.

Both final exams, Math Concepts & Applications and Principles of the Christian Life II, went smoothly, and were even a little easier than I expected. I got my good passing grade already for Principles and am fairly confident about Math as well.

Even happier than that is the fact that these two finals were/are my ONLY final tests!! I have to finish my Independent Study for OT and finish some other projects for another class, but my tests are done for this semester. It is such a relief!

one more random fact then I am wrapping this up :)

Some day when I am married and have kids (yeah, I say it like I assume it will be in the future somewhere) I have decided that I will do all my grocery shopping at 5am. The kids will still be sleeping, the roads are mostly empty, and the grocery store is mostly empty, except for the shelf-stockers. Which only means that you will be purchasing fresh, or at least fresher food.

Well, it is a good thought anyhow, we'll see if it takes form millions of years down the road ;)


lauralavon said...

Glad your exams are over and that they went well.
I like to shop at "off-hours" like that too. It is so much more pleasant an experience.
: )

Jo said...

I used to love to shop at IGA in Effingham early in the morning. They randomly play crickets chirping in the produce section. They also play "Singing in the Rain" when water is spraying on the fresh produce. Yes, friend, the simple things in life can be delightful!

Julia said...


If there is one thing I've learned through all these tag thingys is that you LOVE to sleep. So I'm thinking 5am shopping and then coming home to kids who won't let you go back to sleep is not going to happen. But, if it does happen and you live near me could you pick me up a loaf of bread and a gallon of milk? :)

Glad finals are final for you. I'm sure that feels great!

Arthur and Jessica said...

That's a great idea, Esther. The main problem I see with that, though, is that since my hubby is usually gone for work at 5AM, I would have to leave the kiddos at home by themselves. Maybe if they were old enough, it'd be okay, but not until the oldest one reaches 12 or 13 or so. OOO, also, milk is about 40 cents a gallon cheaper at Aldi's here, and so is most everything else, and Aldi's doesn't open that early. Drats. Anyways, I hope you enjoy campmeeting and everything else!